" نات " كأس كرة القدم هو الكامل من العاطفة ، الربيع ، تألق" نات " كأس كرة القدم هو الكامل من العاطفة ، الربيع ، تألقوقت الإصدار:2024-04-08 14:47 Recently, a football match full of passion and vitality was grandly held in Qibabao Village, Lulou Town, Peixian County. This game is sponsored by Nong Ai Tian Company and played by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs against the Xuzhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. It has attracted the enthusiastic participation of many villagers and has become a beautiful scenery in spring. 近日,一场充满激情与活力的足球赛在沛县鹿楼镇七八堡村盛大举行。这场比赛是农爱田公司赞助,由江苏省农业农村厅队对抗徐州市农业农村局队的省地足球联谊赛,吸引了众多村民的热情参与,成为春日里的一道亮丽风景线。
The game kicked off on the morning of March 30, 2024, and the players gathered on this green field with a love for football and a desire for victory. 比赛于2024年3月30日上午拉开序幕,队员们怀揣着对足球的热爱和对胜利的渴望,齐聚在这片绿茵场上。
Although rural sports fields are simple, they are full of a strong atmosphere of professional competitions. The players galloped freely on the field, demonstrating extraordinary skills and tenacious fighting spirit. Their every pass and shot is full of love and persistence for football. 乡村的球场虽然简朴,但却充满了浓厚的专业赛事氛围。球员们在球场上尽情驰骋,展现出了非凡的技艺和顽强的斗志。他们的每一次传球、射门都饱含着对足球的热爱和执着。
The competition was intense and intense, with exciting scenes emerging one after another. The players worked closely together, both offensive and defensive, demonstrating superb tactical skills. The enthusiasm of the audience was completely ignited, they cheered and cheered for the team they supported, immersing the entire field in a joyful atmosphere. 比赛过程紧张激烈,精彩场面层出不穷。球员们紧密配合,攻守兼备,展现出了高超的战术素养。观众们的热情也被彻底点燃,他们欢呼助威,为自己支持的球队加油鼓劲,让整个赛场沉浸在一片欢乐的氛围中。 After several rounds of fierce competition, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs team, with their tenacious efforts and excellent teamwork, successfully ascended to the throne of the championship. At the award ceremony, the team members held trophies and were filled with the joy of victory. 经过数轮激烈的鏖战,最终江苏省农业农村厅队凭借顽强的拼搏和**的团队协作,成功登上了**的宝座。在颁奖仪式上,队员们手捧奖杯,洋溢着胜利的喜悦。
This village boundary cup football match is not only a sports event, but also an important component of emotional communication outside of work. Through the competition, the team members have strengthened their feelings and friendship with each other, and enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force between the same department and organization. In the future, Nong Ai Tian Company looks forward to more such activities flourishing, injecting new vitality and momentum into rural revitalization and cultural construction. 这场村界杯足球赛不仅仅是一场体育赛事,它更是工作之余感情交流的重要组成部分。通过比赛,队员们增进了彼此之间的感情和友谊,增强了同部门同组织间的的凝聚力和向心力。未来,农爱田公司期待着更多这样的活动蓬勃开展,为乡村振兴和文化建设注入新的活力和动力。 声明:此篇为江苏农爱田生物科技有限公司原创文章,转载请标明出处链接:https://jsnature.com/NAT.html
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